OK, 3rd World Amerika. Headlines: 13 American Cities Going Broke, The Zio Election from Hell!, and OBAMA supporters HATE his POLICIES when told they are Romney PROMISES, Netanyahu 'America Won't Get in Our Way…It's Easily Moved

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ~Albert Einstein~

Plus additional News and Videos:

Obamneycare – Another Win-Win for the Oligarchs ~ Robert S. Dotson, M.D.
Real Life ObamaCare Denial of Service for Cancer Patient - Death Panel previews
Obama Rebranding Propaganda | Brainwash Update
The Corruptions of Language
OBAMA supporters HATE his POLICIES when told they are Romney PROMISES
My Sympathies
The Zio Election from Hell!
US cancels scholarship program for Gaza students amid battle involving Israel and Hamas
Netanyahu 'America Won't Get in Our Way…It's Easily Moved
Doug Casey's Top Five Reasons Not to Vote
CBS Reports 2012 Election Results Early, Obama Wins
The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital

And now for the Alternative News…

13 American Cities Going Broke

From 24/7 Wall St.: Earlier this year, the city of Stockton, California, defaulted on its debt and filed for bankruptcy. For analysts at ratings agency Moody’s, it marked a growing trend in local governments. Cities, which have historically been nearly flawless on their obligations, are opting to default on their debt because of financial troubles.

Read: Thirteen American Cities Going Broke 

Obamneycare – Another Win-Win for the Oligarchs ~ Robert S. Dotson, M.D.

October has brought the mini-series that accompanies our quadrennial exercise in faux democracy, the Presidential Debates. As has been usual for many decades, the public was entertained by carefully vetted corporatist representatives of War Party A and War Party B via the televised game show format that is sold as “serious debate” here at the End of Empire. Nothing illustrated the silliness and irrelevance of such spectacle better than the inane exchanges between Obama and Romney concerning healthcare. The charade was played out yet again when the Vice Presidential candidates, Biden and Ryan, performed in another nondebate on October 11th.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, aka Obamacare, aka Romneycare or, most accurately, Obamneycare) is the 21st century poster child for social legislation in our corporatist state. Despite its origins, Obamneycare is simply another hand-out to the ruling oligarchy. In true New Speak fashion, despite the title patients will not be protected nor will healthcare become “affordable”.

The failure of Amerika, Inc. and collapse of Empire will give us the opportunity to build something new and better from the rubble. Come November 6th, I will be staying home and amusing myself with a good book, good conversation with friends, and, perhaps, a glass of wine. A few years ago, libertarian humorist, P.J. O’Rourke, wrote a book entitled: Don’t Vote—It Just Encourages The Bastards. Amen, P.J.

Learn more here:  

Real Life ObamaCare Denial of Service for Cancer Patient - Death Panel previews

Under the new Obamacare Insurance World we live in I pay a lot more for insurance, I now have a $7000 deductible AND when I need the insurance I'M DENIED SERVICE BECAUSE THE INSURANCE COMPANY DOCTOR SAID IT WASN'T MEDICALLY NECESSARY! Why is this insurance Doctor making decisions for my medical care, when I already have a Doctor. Butt out Insurance Doctor!

My Journey with Cancer Videos  

Real Life ObamaCare Denial of Service for Cancer Patient - Death Panel previews  

Abby Martin talks about Obama's rebranding of the Bush administration's counter-terrorism policies.

Obama Rebranding Propaganda | Brainwash Update 

The Corruptions of Language

“Never believe anything until it is officially denied,” is a useful saying, advising scepticism towards whatever the government claims to be doing. This is the right mental attitude for any journalist or observer of the political scene. But for sniffing out official or journalistic mendacity, evasion and ignorance, a good guide is the use of tired and misleading words or phrases, their real purpose being not to illuminate but to conceal.

Learn more here:

Amerika, MEET THE ZOMBIES! Are you one of them?

OBAMA supporters HATE his POLICIES when told they are Romney PROMISES

**ATTENTION: This video is NOT in support of Mitt Romney, in any way, nor is this organization.**

Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to find out where Obama supporters really stand on his policies. Now he did this in an underhanded way where the policies where presented to be Romney's, but this was only done to get an honest opinion. The reactions when the truth was uncovered varied but they were very telling to say the least.

Here are some of the sources that were mentioned throughout the interviews

1st question, part 1 - Obama, in Europe, signs Patriot Act extension

1st question, part 2 - Warrantless Spying Skyrockets Under Obama

2nd question - President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What?

3rd question - Secret 'Kill List' Proves a Test of Obama's Principles and Will

4th question - Drone wars and state secrecy -- how Barack Obama became a hardliner

OBAMA supporters HATE his POLICIES when told they are Romney PROMISES  
Especially dedicated to the Zombies out there… 

Here I address some of the important concerns expressed by Democrat and Republican voters, and then give my heart-felt sympathies for your anxiety (sort of).

My Sympathies 

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

First and foremost, the NEVER ending manufactured “War On Terror.” You can bet on it.

That can’t be true that the U.S. Election is Zio Election… Well, I’ll let you decide on that by watching/reading the articles/videos below. Please bear in mind that the Palestinian kids/teenagers has nothing to do with the so-called conflict between Israel and Hamas.

US cancels scholarship program for Gaza students amid battle involving Israel and Hamas

Amal Ashour, 18, loves Shakespeare and American pop music. One of the brightest students in the Gaza Strip, she studied her senior year of high school in Minnesota through a U.S.-government funded program.

She had planned to study English literature this fall at a university in the West Bank through another U.S.-sponsored program, but just a month before school started, she was informed the scholarship was no longer available.

Under Israeli pressure, U.S. officials have quietly cancelled a two-year-old scholarship program for students in the Gaza Strip, undercutting one of the few American outreach programs to people in the Hamas-ruled territory. The program now faces an uncertain future, just two years after being launched with great fanfare by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during a visit to the region.

The program offers about 30 scholarships to promising but financially challenged Palestinian high school seniors from Gaza and the West Bank to study in local Palestinian universities.

Learn more here:  

Netanyahu 'America Won't Get in Our Way…It's Easily Moved

(Bibi thought the camera stopped recording)
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations on Iran

Netanyahu - Leaked Home Video 2001 [with English Transcript]

Netanyahu Unaware of Camera 


(Credits@bottom. THANKS! http://www.youtube.com/user/djonesowens1)
Bibi:...The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne. The price is not too heavy to be borne, now. A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority. To bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing...

Woman: Wait a moment, but then the world will say "how come you're conquering again?"
Netanyahu: the world won't say a thing. The world will say we're defending.
Woman: Aren't you afraid of the world, Bibi?
Netanyahu: Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.
Child: They say they're for us, but, it's like...
Netanyahu: They won't get in our way. They won't get in our way.
Child: On the other hand, if we do some something, then they...
Netanyahu: So let's say they say something. So they said it! They said it! 80% of the Americans support us. It's absurd. We have that kind of support and we say "what will we do with the..." Look. That administration [Clinton] was extremely pro-Palestinian. I wasn't afraid to maneuver there. I was not afraid to clash with Clinton. I was not afraid to clash with the United Nations. I was paying the price anyway, I preferred to receive the value. Value for the price.

In the following segment, Bibi boasts about how he emptied the Oslo Accords of meaning by an interpretation that made a mockery of them:

Woman: The Oslo Accords are a disaster.

Netanyahu: Yes. You know that and I knew that...The people [nation] has to know...
What were the Oslo Accords? The Oslo Accords, which the Knesset signed, I was asked, before the elections: "Will you act according to them?" and I answered: "yes, subject to mutuality and limiting the retreats." "But how do you intend to limit the retreats?" "I'll give such interpretation to the Accords that will make it possible for me to stop this galloping to the '67 [armistice] lines. How did we do it?

Narrator: The Oslo Accords stated at the time that Israel would gradually hand over territories to the Palestinians in three different pulses, unless the territories in question had settlements or military sites. This is where Netanyahu found a loophole.

Netanyahu: No one said what defined military sites. Defined military sites, I said, were security zones. As far as I'm concerned, the Jordan Valley is a defined military site.

Woman: Right [laughs]...The Beit She'an Valley.

Netanyahu: How can you tell. How can you tell? But then the question came up of just who would define what Defined Military Sites were. I received a letter -- to me and to Arafat, at the same time -- which said that Israel, and only Israel, would be the one to define what those are, the location of those military sites and their size. Now, they did not want to give me that letter, so I did not give the Hebron Agreement. I stopped the government meeting, I said: "I'm not signing." Only when the letter came, in the course of the meeting, to me and to Arafat, only then did I sign the Hebron Agreement. Or rather, ratify it, it had already been signed. Why does this matter? Because at that moment I actually stopped the Oslo Accord.

Woman: And despite that, one of our own people, excuse me, who knew it was a swindle, and that we were going to commit suicide with the Oslo Accord, gives them -- for example -- Hebron...

Netanyahu: Indeed, Hebron hurts. It hurts. It's the thing that hurts. One of the famous rabbis, whom I very much respect, a rabbi of Eretz Yisrael, he said to me: "What would your father say?" I went to my father. Do you know a little about my father's position?
...He's not exactly a lily-white dove, as they say. So my father heard the question and said: "Tell the rabbi that your grandfather, Rabbi Natan Milikowski, was a smart Jew. Tell him it would be better to give two percent than to give a hundred percent. And that's the choice here. You gave two percent and in that way you stopped the withdrawal. Instead of a hundred percent." The trick is not to be there and be broken. The trick is to be there and pay a minimal price."
djonesowens1writes: At a point in the middle of the video Netanayhu asks the camera man to stop taping, but he continues... Netanyahu says what he really thinks for the first time: He brags about how easy is to manipulate the USA and he proudly explains how he sabotaged the Oslo process.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Read more: Richard Silverstein, http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tik...Dena Shunra, Translator
Phil Weiss & Dena Shunra http://mondoweiss.net/2010/07/the-wor ... Jonathan Cook @IsraeliOccupation.org http://www.israeli-occupation.org/201... Gideon Levy @Haaretz:http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition

Netanyahu - Leaked Home Video 2001 [with English Transcript]

I’ve read some comments for a new country and it is called USRael! I guess the actions speak for itself!

With that being said, I concur with Doug Casey’s article besides there’s already a fixed winner. And his name is Baritt Obamney. Hooray!

Doug Casey's Top Five Reasons Not to Vote

The first reason is that voting is an unethical act, in and of itself. That's because the state is pure, institutionalized coercion. If you believe that coercion is an improper way for people to relate to one another, then you shouldn't engage in a process that formalizes and guarantees the use of coercion.

Learn more here:  

CBS Reports 2012 Election Results Early, Obama Wins (Video)

The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital

I would like to introduce you, the reader, to some realities of our global banking system, resting on the rhetoric of free markets, but functioning, in actuality, as a global cartel, a “super-entity” in which the world’s major banks all own each other and own the controlling shares in the world’s largest multinational corporations, influence governments and policy with politicians in their back pockets, routinely engaging in fraud and bribery, and launder hundreds of billions of dollars in drug money, not to mention arms dealing and terrorist financing. These are the “too big to fail” and “too big to jail” banks, the centre of our global economy, what we call a “free market,” implying that the global banks – and corporations – have “free reign” to do anything they please, engage in blatantly criminal activities, steal trillions in wealth which is hidden offshore, and never get more than a slap on the wrist. This is the real “free market,” a highly profitable global banking cartel, functioning as a worldwide financial Mafia.

Learn more here:
We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! Deep Underground Military Bases #DUMBs

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty